May 4th is Sacramento’s Big Day of Giving. Now in its 5th year, Big Day of Giving, or BigDOG for short, is synonymous with giving more so that more can benefit. Although this name choice may offend the small canine and cat lover among us, I like to believe that on this day, all Sacramentans have a chance to experience the very essence of the credit union movement – people helping people.
Recently, SAFE held its 76th annual meeting – where SAFE members and our board of directors gathered to review the prior year’s financial results and to discuss the overall state of our credit union. Although, like many others before it, there was the typical rhythm to this meeting with motions made, seconded and approved, and narratives from executives regarding our financials, I found myself musing on the link between our credit union and BigDOG.
SAFE 2016 Annual Report
If you’re still with me, this is where those two topics intersect – BigDOG and the credit union philosophy. Although the record numbers and positive trends presented on the two large screens at the meeting would make most bank shareholders pleased as punch, credit unions are based on member owners, so these numbers meant more than a good growth year. The essence of the credit union movement was alive and well that night because SAFE’s leadership presented how these record numbers have truly made a difference in members’ lives and our community’s prosperity.
Last year, our board, management, and staff volunteered over 9,800 hours – facilitating financial literacy courses across the region, working with high school students and mentoring young leaders, planting trees, running for cures, awarding scholarships, and encouraging others to support local organizations that improve the welfare of our community. By the close of 2016, SAFE had invested more than $300,000 to local organizations and programs that helped build a stronger and more vibrant future for our region. Giving back beyond everyday banking is something that SAFE spends a great deal of energy promoting and supporting every day; you could say it’s part of our DNA.
SAFE employees volunteering at Eskaton (left) and Quinn Cottages events
When I think about the Big Day of Giving, it reminds me of the credit union philosophy – a movement where groups of people pull together and share their combined resources for the betterment of their community. And although “People Helping People” has always been the philosophy of the credit union movement, we are proud to continue in the tradition that our business was built on. Seeing a growing commitment by area locals to become more involved and make a difference in organizations that are near and dear to them only reinforces our commitment to our members, our community and our future.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter as we continue a strong SAFE tradition of giving back.