SAFE Credit Union has some amazing employees, and for Black History Month, we’re proud to introduce you to some of our Black employees who provide our members exceptional experiences every day.
This is the first of two blogs showcasing some of SAFE’s staff.
They have some great insights to share, so enjoy!
Kayla Sharai Law
Relationship Officer
What I love most about working for a credit union.
What SAFE means to me is unity, togetherness, and oneness. Together we work as one to make each other’s day a little bit brighter and we combine our efforts to ensure our members are always satisfied.
I started my career in the finance industry at another financial institution as a debt collector. To say the least, I absolutely hated it. I was doing it all wrong. I did not want to take someone’s money because they had once made bad decisions. I wanted to help them make better decisions and build financial literacy and stability.
I took some time off, did some soul searching, and applied to SAFE Credit Union. It was one of my best choices so far. I feel safe at SAFE (no pun intended). Here, I’m able to embrace my natural vernacular. Working with our members has taught me to never sell myself short and never be content with the bare minimum. I realize there’s always room for improvement, and I’m devoted to consistently being greater in all aspects of life. My job at SAFE is always rewarding. Our members don’t require much; they are happy just with the fact that I’m prepared, I’m making an effort, and I’m passionate about assisting them.
I’ve learned value in my experiences. Should I stumble, I always remember that my mission is always more important than my mistakes. I’m looking forward to all of my future endeavors with SAFE.
More about me.
I am a wife, a mother, and above all else a #ProudBlackWoman. I was born and raised in San Francisco. You know they say “you can take a girl out the city but you can’t take the city out of the girl”. I’m a sneaker fanatic; I don’t believe there’s any such thing as having too many pairs of shoes. I love a good bargain deal, nothing beats a three-dollar shirt. Anyone who knows me knows that crab is the way to my heart (Snow or King to be exact); cooking is my favorite hobby, and I find it to be therapeutic. My daughter Jojo and my son BJ mean the world to me, and I just want to be the best version of myself for them.
I’m far from where/who I strive to be, but I’m better than the person I was yesterday.
“I won’t stop until my time is up; but this pressure made a diamond cut.” -Me
My father always told me that pressure either bursts pipes or builds diamonds, and my mother always told me that we are all just diamonds in the rough. What I’m teaching my children is that diamonds can’t be scratched but they always leave their marks on others. See, the word “diamond” comes from the Greek word adamas, which means “unalterable, unbreakable, unconquerable, and untamable”. When looking at a diamond, you’ll understand that the number of cuts, or facets, determines its brilliance. You’ll live to learn that what makes a diamond so strong is also what makes it intriguingly beautiful. Just like my black is beautiful. Life has taught me that if your love subjugates and discriminates, then it’s not love, it’s vanity. I’ve mastered the art of not letting people take things that don’t belong to them, like my dignity, my self-worth, and my sanity.
I am honored by my lineage and melanin of the skin I’m in; always have and always will. Even though I work with money all day, I’ve come to the realization that the best things in life are those that money can’t buy.
Sherri Baumgart
Relationship Officer
What I love most about working for a credit union.I really enjoy interacting with members on a daily basis. I strive to exceed expectations with every transaction. From opening accounts and IRAs to talking about family vacations, we’re building a sense of community in the branch every day.
More about me
I enjoy traveling around the state with family and friends, finding places to explore and relax. I am a wine enthusiast who loves local wines, and I also like to tackle home improvement projects any chance I get.
“Your attitude defines your life.”
Taylor Morgan
Employee Services Business Intern
What I love most about working for a credit union.
I love working for an organization that encourages me to grow and learn daily. When I began my career at SAFE, I was still navigating who I was career-wise and personally. I was a fresh business college graduate and afraid of losing the structure college provided. Four months after my college graduation, I began my career at SAFE, and I have now moved through many different positions and learned so much about who I am and finding my passion. I worked in the branches with members improving their financial wellbeing. Now I work in Employee Services and hope to add value to the lives of all SAFE employees as we work toward a common goal. My strongest attributes are my personality and charisma. SAFE allows me to maximize my strengths and continuously develop my weaknesses. There’s a place for everyone, and SAFE really advocates for employees that need guidance.
More about me.
I truly find power in being a black woman. Power in my voice, power in my brown skin, and power in my spirit. Every day I strive to be my best self and then my better self the next day. In life I affirm that everything happens for a special reason. My skin was not an accident, it was exceptionally and especially created for me. I thank SAFE for giving People of Color a moment to share our voices!