“You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.”~ Winston Churchill
Employees at SAFE Credit Union understand and embrace this culture of giving, especially because each employee is given volunteer hours on a yearly basis to be used for charitable causes. Volunteer opportunities not only strengthen each employee’s relationship with the community, but offer many other ways to grow from the experience, specifically by creating connections with people, co-workers, other volunteers as well as the people they are helping
By encouraging volunteering at SAFE, the company is opening the door to exploration of the various and wide breadth of opportunities in our community in which to give back. Although any volunteer opportunity is recognized, SAFE CAN! (Community Action Newsletter) weekly promotes a plethora of needs in the community that employees can participate in. A recent study by United Health Group reinforces that, “81% of employed volunteers who volunteered through their workplace, agreed that volunteering together strengthens relations amongst colleagues.” SAFE not only wants to give back to community causes and work for the greater good, but, wants to offer volunteers the chance to see a different environment and situations that aren’t necessarily something that they experience in their everyday lives.
One such opportunity is the Folsom Community Day. On Saturday, September 16, 2017 hundreds of Folsom residents will gather together and volunteer to make their community a better place to live and work. Many opportunities are available, from sprucing up school campuses, painting interiors of nonprofits, and collecting and packaging boxes for our military personnel to trail and lake cleanup. The truth is, most of us are pretty lucky. We assumedly have a roof over our heads, food to eat, clothes to wear. Even if we don’t have the “best” of those, we still have them. The attitude of giving back and “giving forward” is what volunteering is all about. Volunteers create better environments for others, creating healthier communities and brightening lives. And, on a selfish note, volunteer work makes us feel good. It builds self-confidence and lifts up the spirits.
SAFE participates as a sponsor for Folsom Community Day providing an opportunity for SAFE employees to mingle with the community where they are headquartered and more importantly, make a difference. This year, the credit union has chosen to concentrate volunteer hours on beautifying Folsom High School, and expects 10-20 SAFE volunteers to participate with their colleagues and families. We truly hope the campus at Folsom High School will look amazing!
As the coordinator of volunteerism at SAFE, I see firsthand how impactful a volunteer program can be. Our staff often goes above and beyond for the causes they are passionate about and it shows in our culture. While no monetary compensation is received, many will tell you that their work and experiences gained as a volunteer were worth way more than any money they could have gotten from the work. SAFE is proud to be part of a culture of giving back and we thank our employees, and our surrounding communities for their continued support.
Volunteer opportunities are now available!
Learn more and sign up at www.folsomcommunityservice.org