If you have a future college student in your home, you may want to check out new, no-cost webinars SAFE Credit Union financial educators are hosting with experts from Sallie Mae.
As high school seniors receive college acceptance notices, families will need to weigh all the costs associated with going to college, including tuition, housing, transportation, and other living expenses, when determining which school their children will attend.
Sallie Mae, the organization that helps connect college students and their families to government loans, has a lot of information on its website about how to secure funding, from scholarships to private loans.
SAFE is pleased to work with the Sacramento region’s Sallie Mae team to provide interactive workshops that will explain options your family may want to consider.
You can register for each here:
June 8 Understanding Student Loans
Register today!
August 10 How to Pay for College
Reserve your spot.
October 12 How to Find and Apply for Scholarships
Reserve your spot.
“With a Little Help from My Friends”
SAFE has other resources to help you prepare to pay for college expenses. Check out our Step by Step Guide to Paying for College to learn about filling out the FAFSA, finding scholarships, and applying for student loans. If you need more money to cover education expenses, SAFE partners with Sallie Mae to offer private student loans to help with undergraduate, graduate, medical and nursing school, and more.
“Don’t Be A Stranger”
Send your student off to college with the convenience of a SAFE membership. We have checking and savings accounts that will help them start their financial journey. SAFE debit card holders have access to over 5,000 shared branches and 30,000 ATMs nationwide through the CO-OP® network – more access than most major banks provide. And SAFE offers 24/7 banking through our Online Banking and Mobile App, so you can access you accounts wherever you are.