There are plenty of reasons to dread the holidays and 99% of them have to do with shopping. Between the crowds and long lines, gift-hunting for the eight impossible-to-shop-for people on my list, and the gladiator-style brawls in the clearance section, it's enough to make me want to hibernate until January 1, or do all of my shopping online. Oh, and don't get me started on anyone who responds to my complaining with, “I finished my holiday shopping in March!”
The bad news: I can’t change any of that (unless I join the March shoppers – not happening). The good news: SAFE can give me (and you) $500 to spend on holiday shopping to make up for it. Who knows, I might even be able to spend a little on myself, like on those boots I’ve been dying for (or spiked egg nog).
Start making your list and checking it twice, because your chance to win is here!
Shopping with your SAFE Visa® debit or credit card automatically enters you for a chance to win 1 of 10 $500 SAFE Visa® gift cards. Game on!